Blend - Cappuccino Brown

65 800 Ft
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Barebarics Blend barefoot sneakers, available in Cappuccino Brown, are designed for all who appreciate comfort and effortless style. These sneakers are made from premium leather, and feature stitched flexible soles, with vibrant accents adorning the toe box and tongue. Another significant aspect of these trendy sneakers is the strategically placed reflective elements. Experience the elegance and sophistication of barefoot footwear while prioritizing versatility without compromising style.

Materials used

Barebarics sneakers are produced using processes that minimize the impact on the environment.

  • The upper combines two types of high-quality leather, providing excellent properties and durability.
  • The lining of the shoe is made from Dermodry Coolmax® technical fabric, which enables constant moisture drainage. This type of lining speeds up the process of moisture-drainage and sweat absorption, thanks to which the skin of the foot remains dry. Dermodry Coolmax® is a soft, light and breathable material typically used in luxurious footwear models and undergoes the most demanding tests of technical quality performed in independent laboratories.
  • The sole is made from soft synthetic rubber with high wear-and-tear resistance. The ComfortGrip sole is designed to provide unparalleled comfort during movement while exploring new places, not only in the city jungle.
  • The removable insole is composed of PU recycled material and microfiber, which provides excellent breathability and allows excellent sweat drainage.
Barefoot properties
  • Anatomic shape - The sneaker respects the shape of the feet. It creates roomy space for toes during movement, it prevents toes from being pressed or developing calluses
  • Material flexibility - The flexible sole enables necessary movement. The feet are not restricted and strengthen naturally
  • Zero-drop - The heel and front of the shoe are levelled. Thanks to this, the body posture and overall correction of the centre of gravity are improved
  • Adaptive sole - 4 mm thick (without protrusions) stimulates nerve endings. It strengthens balance, and awareness of terrain and it protects the feet
  • Lightweight - The Barebarics sneakers are lightweight and with no arch, which prevents leg fatigue and supports the correct walking stereotype
More info

Town footwear

  • Modern city design
  • Designed and hand-crafted in the EU, made from local and sustainable materials
  • Great durability and long-lasting colours
  • Dermodry Coolmax® technology for continuous moisture drainage
  • Available in sizes 36-47 (according to European measurements)
  • EAN/SKU: 6u3aqde2kk
Product reviews
Verified customer

Great shoes, can totally recommend Barebarics!

Verified customer

Looking so good, I can’t wait for the spring! And very convenient as always! This is my third pair of shoes from Belenka and I cannot wear usual shoes anymore. I‘m addicted 😍

Verified customer
Thomas Andrews

Outstanding quality of build BUT not truly barefoot. The size and shape of the outsole changes my gait, it feels similar to wearing big work boots compared with other truly minimalist shoes. It IS wide toe box that allows my feet to Splay and there is some ground feel but it does not appear to be designed to be worn without the insole. I didn't realize that these are "gateway shoes" more designed for people THINKING of getting into barefoot, not really for those of us who have fully transitioned and are OBSESSED with barefoot! Haha
The uppers are more substantial too. Again, beautiful quality and craftsmanship and they are really nice, fashionable. Good for days when my feet are fatigued and I want a bit more cushion and support. The uppers are more substantial and will be great for fall and spring. 4 out of 5 due to not being a pure barefoot shoe, I give 5 out of 5 for aesthetic, build quality, durability, sustainability as these could last years!
I've already ordered Champs 3.0, my second pair of Be Lenka! I have many pairs of Xeros and Splay

Verified customer

Krásne pohodlné tenisky, manžel má už druhé tejto značky a je maximálne spokojný.

Verified customer

Moje prvé barefoot, a som zatiaľ veľmi spokojný. Rýchlosť dodania a cena len 0,90€ veľmi dobrá.

Verified customer

Ich nutze die Schuhe zum Skateboarding. Ich finde sie super!

Verified customer

Encantada con la compra ,al principio sentía los dedos sueltos en el zapato, me costaba acostumbrarme a esta sensación ahora agradable ,en comparación con otro calzado que me dejaba los pies adoloridos ya que trabajado parada mucho tiempo ,desde que los uso ese dolor y cansancio en los pies ya no los tengo🙏,muy contenta con la compra !!!

Verified customer

Schnelle Lieferung und gute Qualität! Die Schuhe sehen super aus und sind bequem!

Verified customer

Ottime scarpe,comodissime,ho preso un numero sopra.

Verified customer

Objednávka bola kvalitne dodana rýchlo bez prietahov a s topanockami som maximálne spokojný vďaka 👍 Giorgio

Verified customer

Krasne vyzeraju a dobre sa nosia :)

Verified customer

Skvělé botky, moc pohodlné. Nožky jsou jako v pokojíčku.🙂

Verified customer

Bardzo starannie zrobione buty, po kilku dniach użytkowania jestem bardzo zadowolony. Chodziłem już nawet po nierównych drogach kamienistych i brukowanych. Są bardzo wygodne i odprowadzają wilgoć. Polecam, choć musiałem się trochę do nich przyzwyczaić, są obszerne i inaczej się w nich chodzi. W przyszłości kupię w Was buty w innej kolorystyce, bo biała podeszwa powiększa optycznie buty. Dziękuję że produkujecie takie dobre buty Barefoot i oby jak najdłużej.

Verified customer

Buty świetnej jakości! Prezentują się jeszcze lepiej na żywo! Syn bardzo zadowolony :)

Verified customer

Muy satisfecha

Verified customer

Boty skvěle padnou dle tabulkových velikostí, jsou pohodlné, navíc pro širší nohu nebo spadlou klenbu jsou akorát široké a značka Barebarics navíc dělá silnější podrážku, která mě vyhovuje více než u jiných barefoot značek slabé podrážky. Doporučuji!

Verified customer

Topánky síce vraciam, lebo mi nesedí veľkosť, ale objednám si určite menšiu. Pôvodne som merala podľa inštrukcií na papier, a teda som si vybrala o číslo väčšie než nosím bežne, no nakoniec boli teda veľké - ked som posunula nohu úplne dopredu tak som za pätu zmestila 2 prsty :D inak sú veľmi pohodlné a kvalitné. Keby sa dalo tak by som dala hodnotenie 4,5, jedine kvôli farbe, podľa obrázku som si myslela že budú trochu vic "doružova" to sú naozaj iba bledo-hnedé (a možno to bolo nastaveniami farieb na monitore/mobile) :)

Verified customer

Ottime scarpe belle robuste e comode

Verified customer

Todo correcto, es un buen producto

Verified customer

Krásné boty, perfektně sedí. Hlavně musím pochválit zákaznický servis, ten přístup, to je špička 🤗 jsme moc spokojeni a určitě jsme nenakoupili naposledy 🤗

Verified customer

Calzado super cómodo y bonito
Con este ya tengo 4 calzados de esta marca, estoy encantada.
Recomiendo 100%

Barefoot Sneakers Barebarics Blend - Cappuccino Brown | Barebarics Barefoot Sneakers Barebarics Blend - Cappuccino Brown | Barebarics
Barefoot Sneakers Barebarics Blend - Cappuccino Brown | Barebarics Barefoot Sneakers Barebarics Blend - Cappuccino Brown | Barebarics